This Perfect Day

By Noelle Sterne

I received this message early this morning with the instruction to write it down…

This the perfect day I give you. Accept it. Use it.

Express My Love through it. Rejoice in your talents through it. Rest in My certainty through it.

I give this day to you freely, lovingly, fully. Use it for My glory and your joy. Feel the joy. Feel the rightness. Feel the fullness.

Know you are doing all the right things this day through Me. If you are not sure, step away and ask. Then listen. Listen for my Answers. They always come and you know their rightness because they always give you peace.

Know this in sureness: I give you the right words. I show you the right actions. I help you produce the right emanations to reach all the others you find yourself in front of. I place you in front of them as you both need. With confidence meet, and do not fear, those who live this perfect day with you.

Whatever you accomplish or judge you haven’t accomplished, know you are doing my perfect Will. Your worth to me is not your accomplishments. Know that if you accomplish nothing in your world’s eyes, you still are of infinite worth to Me. 

I assure you that, in all you do or do not do, your Being is reflecting Mine. Whether you choose accomplishments or not, I cherish you and love you always.

Be sure, be positive, that you are living My perfect will for you. Be certain you are breathing My love and care in all you encounter. Be filled with expectation of only good this perfect day.

Know too that I give you only a succession of perfect days, ongoing, enduring, infinite. Whatever your fears about not “finishing” or about your Being “ending,” they are groundless. My nature is infinite and eternal, as is yours.

When night arrives, know too that it is perfect. 

Know you have listened to Me and followed with joy and glad obedience. 

Know you are fulfilling My purpose for you, and rest fully after this perfect day.

© 2022 Noelle Sterne