How to Improve Your Day With Spiritual Encouragement and Motivation

Did you know that more than 25% of people in the United States claim to be spiritual, but not religious?

Religion and spirituality are closely connected, they both involve believing in a higher power. If you are seeking spiritual motivation, there are many places to look for help.

Continue reading to discover how spiritual encouragement can help you live a more fulfilling life!

Live Like a River & Not a Swamp

One of the best pieces of spiritual encouragement to live by comes from the Bible.

The Bible references this under the story of John and explains how the river lives freely and fresh. The swamp, however, is stagnant and devours life. Living like a river and not a swamp means that you actively handle what comes your way without holding onto the negative things.

Holding on to negative feelings and emotions can put you in a place where change can’t occur. Let the water flow in your life whether it has large waves or is calm.

Practice What You Preach

Encouraging scripture will only take you so far if you aren’t practicing what you preach.

Many people struggle with this concept because they have a difficult time navigating through life’s tests. If you are preaching or teaching a spiritual concept to someone and claim to understand it, you must abide by it. Saying one thing and doing another will make life more confusing and unsatisfying.

Although you will encounter difficult times where you want to do the other action, take a leap and trust in your faith.

Count Your Blessings 

No matter what religion you follow, counting your blessings each day can help improve your wellbeing.

It is easy to notice all of the things that go wrong in life. You must make it a point to identify good things and people in your life. This will make you a more grateful and appreciative person who doesn’t focus on things that you don’t have.

Many people find inspiration from a spiritual blog or service that reviews what blessings are. Take time to write down a couple of things that you are grateful for each day and your mind will change for the better.

Find Motivation & Peace in Nature

There are a lot of people who claim to get their spirituality from nature.

Nature helps connect people to religion and spiritual beliefs by making you take a step back. It is so easy to become consumed by technology and distractions in today’s world. Watching nature, however, reminds you of what is most important in life.

Not only can you see how animals, bugs, and plants work together to create life, but you can also find peace. The soothing sounds of animals and weather can put you in a meditative state that helps push you through each day.

Help Someone in Need

If you want to improve your life through spiritual motivation and encouragement, the best thing to do is share it.

Sharing your spirituality with people in need can help them see the light at the end of the tunnel or find a different way of thinking. The Bible and other spiritual practices emphasize how important it is to take care of the people around you. Helping others can make your life more fulfilling and strengthen your spiritual connection.

You must not expect anything in return when you help people, however, or this can become a negative experience.

Share Your Story

The next time you get the chance to share your experiences with others, take advantage of it.

Chances are, someone is going through or has gone through similar situations. Sharing stories helps connect and bring people together on a spiritual and deep level. Not only is it healthy to talk about things, but you could also be encouraging others who are also struggling.

When people can connect, it helps encourage you to get through the tough times. Don’t be afraid to speak up when your time comes.

Give Back to the Community 

There are many benefits of encouragement that you can gain from giving back to the community.

Giving back to those in need can help restore faith in humanity and show you a different perspective of the world. So many people get caught up in their daily lives that they don’t look around and see how it is for others. Even people who have no family or home, still find ways to connect with their religion and make the most of each day.

Surrounding yourself with these people will help motivate you when times are rough and teach you what is most important. Connecting with these individuals means a lot to them, especially when you can make their lives a little simpler.


Meditation is becoming a popular technique for finding peace and encouragement.

The idea of meditation is to simply observe your thoughts and not judge them. This is healthy for spirituality because it allows you to see different perspectives and you don’t judge yourself for choices.

When you take the time to look at everything without judgment, you can find what it is that you are looking for. Once you have this idea in your mind, it is easier to be motivated and encouraged to changing your behaviors and thoughts.

Utilize This Spiritual Encouragement

Spiritual encouragement and motivation can help get you through times of struggle and your daily life.

By utilizing this guide, you can learn to find peace with encouraging quotes and practices. Whether you follow the Bible, practice Buddhism, or find peace in other ways, these methods can help you.

Don’t be afraid to think of and try these practices when you need guidance from a higher power. Simple steps can help you navigate life and make it the best thing you’ve ever experienced.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about how to improve your day and fulfill your life!