6 Tips to Deal With Stress by Writing

Our mental health is equally as important as our physical health. Still, so many of us tend to ignore problems such as stress or anxiety, even though we’d never ignore a severe headache. We need to take active care of our mental health. That includes finding a way to reduce stress. One of the techniques you should try is using writing to fight stress.

If you’re not sure how it works, but you want to find out, just keep reading. Below, we’ll share 6 tips to deal with stress by writing. 

Let’s take a closer look together.

  1. Emotional Release

One of the first things we should cover is the importance of processing your emotions. Whether they’re positive or negative, you need to actively process them and be aware of the way you feel.

If you suppress your emotions, they’ll keep piling up inside you and cause additional mental health problems.

Writing can help you perform an emotional release process, whereby you would:

  • write down how you feel
  • discharge your emotional tension
  • free yourself from negative emotions
  • process the things you’re feeling

By writing down how you feel, and why you feel that way, you’re releasing yourself from these feelings and processing them the healthy way.

  1. Nurture Positivity

When you’re stressed out and tense, you can develop further negative emotions such as depression or anger. If you let yourself sink deeper into negativity, you’ll find it hard to swim back up.

This is why you should nurture positivity using writing.

Here’s what we suggest:

  • at the end of each day, think about the things that have happened
  • find at least three positive things
  • it can be anything that made you feel even remotely happy
  • write them down with gratitude

This way, you’re focusing on the positive things in your ordinary life. Over time, you’ll learn how good it is to be happy about the little things, and that will help you reduce stress.

  1. Love Yourself

You are your own best friend and the strongest support you will ever get. If you don’t learn how to love yourself, you won’t be able to receive love from the people around you.

This can cause you to feel lonely and stressed.

Therefore, practice self-love through writing. Here’s what we have in mind:

  • write motivational messages to yourself
  • write down positive affirmations to read later on
  • tell yourself what you love and appreciate about your personality the most
  • practice positive self-talk

Writing can help you practice nurturing a positive self-image and being more supportive of yourself. 

  1. Unclutter Your Mind

We live in a time where things move fast, and our days fly by. We feel like we don’t have the time to slow down and dedicate some time to ourselves.

As a result, our minds can get cluttered and unable to process the things that are happening to us.

This causes us to feel stressed out, without even knowing the reason for feeling this way. Luckily, writing can help us unclutter our mind, and here’s how:

  • we take a breather and slow down
  • we write down how we feel without any thinking
  • we rearrange our emotions, ideas, and thoughts
  • we process things and stop them from suffocating us

Writing is a great tool for organizing our inner feelings and finding out why we feel a certain way. This type of mind uncluttering can be healing and help us reduce stress immensely.

  1. Plan For a Change

Another super helpful thing we can do by practicing writing in our daily routine is organizing our lives and planning for positive changes.

There are so many people who lack organizational skills, which prevents them from having well planned out days. Consequentially, they can’t achieve all their goals or even establish a daily routine.

This can cause additional stress and lead you to a state of constant irritation.

Writing is a tool that will help you reorganize your day and plan all your steps ahead. You can write down things such as:

  • your professional or personal goals
  • things you want to accomplish in a day/week/month
  • your schedule
  • your obligations

Creating this little calendar will help you keep things in order, and order means inner peace. Make big plans and write them down to stay reminded.

  1. Track Your Progress

Writing should become a regular part of your daily routine. At first, it may seem strange, but you’ll learn over time just how beneficial it is for you.

After a while, you’ll be able to look back into your writing and see the rode you’ve taken. You’ll learn about yourself:

  • what made you feel stressed
  • how you coped with it
  • what mechanisms work best for you
  • the changes you’ve underwent

You can even share your positive experience with writing to reduce stress. Write a blog post or social media post and share your success with others.

Check out these top sites if you need help with writing like a professional.

Final Thoughts

If you’re stressed out and feel like you need to make some changes for the better, we strongly suggest you give writing a chance. It can help you rearrange your daily routine, learn how to love yourself, and reduce stress.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to use writing for reducing stress the right way. Work on improving your mental health and love yourself more every day.