5 Ways to Stay Healthy Even After Crossing Your 50s

We work hard and save money so that when we reach our older age, we get to enjoy life more. We get to spend more time on vacations and doing things for ourselves. Older age is the time that we can really focus on ourselves since all of our kids are already settled.

On the other hand, some people in the age of 50’s are experiencing more health issues that keep them from doing the things that they love. Instead of attending a high school reunion, some would just stay at home because of body pains and other ailments.

How can you ensure that you are on top of your health when you reach your 50’s?

Follow these tips for a healthier and stronger you.

  1. Really Cut Back on Salt

Current federal guideline of daily sodium intake is only 2,300 mg or less, however, most adults are still taking 3,400 mg per day. That’s way beyond the recommended intake. We’ve grown in a culture where fast food and other salty food has become a constant staple in our dining area.

Lowering our sodium intake has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease as well as lowers the blood pressure.

If you have been attempting to cut back on sodium but have been unsuccessful in doing so, you can follow these tips:

  • Read the food labels regularly.
  • Prepare your own meals instead. Buy fresh fruits, vegetables and meat.
  • Replace salt with spices like garlic, black pepper, ginger, cumin, cilantro, etc.
  • Reduce the portion of your food
  1. Fiber is Your Friend

Fiber should always be included in your meal. It has proven to have lots of health benefits such as lowers cholesterol, reduces constipation, helps control your weight, reduces the risk of colon cancer, helps with diabetes and improves digestive function.

Women should have at least 25 grams of fiber a day while men should have at least 35 grams.

To get the most amount of fiber, eat lots of beans, different grains, vegetables and fruits. Other foods that are rich in fiber are brown rice, quinoa, barley, rolled oats, lentils, broccoli, acorn squash, banana, apple and pear.

  1. Pop a Multivitamin

 Aside from the nutrients and vitamins that you can get from your food, it is also important that you should take multivitamins to ensure that you don’t get any vitamin deficiency.

Those who are 50 years and older have unique needs when it comes to their multi-vitamins. It is recommended that you should talk with your doctor first to know the specific multivitamins that would be suited for specific needs. If you have existing medical conditions or taking other medications, discuss with your doctor is a must.

What are the common multi vitamins suggested for 50 years older?

Women are prescribed with more folic acid and iron. Follow the recommended dosage to avoid any side effects.

  1. Get Essential Checkups

A regular visit with your doctor and dentist is important, especially if you have reached 50 years old. This is to make sure that your health is at its optimum condition and that you prevent your risk of developing diseases. Older people have higher risk of acquiring diseases due to weaker immune system so a regular check-up is a must. Women should also have regular breast and cervix exams while men should have regular prostate examinations.

  1. Exercise

You shouldn’t stop having an active lifestyle when you hit your 50’s. Having a regular exercise is even more important in your age.

Bone density starts to drop when you reach your 30’s but with the help of strength training exercises, you can avoid this from happening.

Running, walking and biking are also excellent form of exercise. If you want to shed off some pounds, exercise bikes help to weight loss.

They say 50 is the new 20. Be the best version of yourself and be on top of your health by applying these helpful tips.