Calling You

BeatrixCzeizel_AnikoGreskoBy Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó

In the birthing of this book, it felt as if the Christ Soul and the members of the Holy Family returned from the stars to entrust us with a long-forgotten gospel. It came to us like an epic woven from a long chain of Light messages, with the purpose of sharing the present-time Message of the Christ Soul with today’s humanity and thus creating a New Gospel. Not instead of the old ones of course, but in addition to them.

The dearly held hope that we had carried for a very long time was that the Christ Soul Himself would speak to us directly and tell us the stories of His earthly paths, revealing the secrets of His real story; the details of the life and fate of Jesus, His relationship and marriage with Mary Magdalene, their true experiences, all that has been silenced and omitted from the Bible – through deliberate manipulation by the Church and the Vatican – and teach us by sharing His own inner truth beyond the scripts, dogmas and traditions of the Church.

Beautiful secrets were revealed, reflecting the real relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene as the fulfilled fate-mirror of an intimate human and spiritual connection. This new perspective on their relationship enables us to understand the motivations of their mission, the personal secrets of their relationship and the mystical depths of the lives that were born from their sacred union The story of the Holy Family was revealed to us within a larger historical context than is currently understood by humanity. These messages reveal the “pre-history” of the Holy Family from Lemurian times through Altantis and on. We were also shown greatly expanded frames of the life and times of Christ 2000 years ago and were shown the Holy Family’s mission as it is being expressed in present times. These revelations offer the reader a profound opportunity to re-vision one’s personal life, and life itself.

Calling You offers an opportunity to immerse in the essence and the inner experience of Christ Consciousness. “Christ Consciousness” does not require any religious affiliation and it is not the same as the doctrines of traditional Christianity. In fact, it differs from that in many aspects. The notion of Christ Consciousness can be understood as a living and practical quality and ability of the heart. Christ Consciousness is that which enables a person to become capable of operating the attributes of the Seven Wisdoms of Christ simultaneously, in every minute and every direction of his or her life.

These Seven Wisdoms are actually the seven pillars of Christ Consciousness. The energy of the seven Christ-seeds float in the ethereal crystal of the heart chakra. Everyone who comes in contact with this book and intends to complete this initiation pathway will be lifted up in a certain sense into the shelter of the celestial Mystery School residing among the stars of the Big Dipper to experience the secret of the seven mysteries of Christ Consciousness, step by step, creating the intimate opportunity for the Christ seeds to awaken in his or her heart.

These seven fundamental principles do not conceal unexpected, surprising or peculiar ideas.  The qualities of love, trust, compassion, faith, giving, forgiveness and believing in the power of Light over dark are perhaps the most natural and simplest notions we have, yet to live and realize these qualities in every single moment of our lives can sometimes seem incredibly difficult to earthly humans. And yet, these qualities are the exact forces and lights which hold the galaxy together and lift Creation into harmony.

Following this spiritual pathway requires you to step up a steep staircase that clearly leads to a Heavenly Temple, shining in golden light. Each chapter is a step of that staircase, so no stair can be skipped or omitted because each step is built upon the other, reflecting a very serious heavenly intention and following the inner laws of an exceptionally powerful initiating pathway.

At the end of this journey, you will not be the same person stepping out of the gate – something will be changed forever and healed very deep inside of you. …

The characters of this living book become your loyal companions, guides and masters while the keepers of this Sacred Temple, the messengers of Divine Love and Mercy, lead you to awaking and remembering the quality of wholeness and connection with our Divine Source.  This book can be everyone’s because the Grand Master of the collective fate alternative of the Ascension is none other than the Christ Soul, who works for the redemption of each and every inhabitant of Earth. He comes for all of us, whether we believe in Him or not, to help us through the mysteries of Mercy; the Mercy that we experience as Grace.CallingYou_book

The lines of this book can be read on many different levels and depths. There will certainly be some who can travel together with us at such a depth that they can almost step into the worlds of the visions we have transmitted and they will let all the memories of those completely into themselves so that they will actually hear the voice of the personal messages sent to them. Others who prefer to observe from a little distance may find it more difficult to believe or understand the realness or truth of the messages, but nonetheless if they allow the meanings of the parables to permeate their hearts for some time, they will start to long for days filled with more love, acceptance, trust, generosity, forgiveness, faith and a deeper certainty in the light, and this will change their lives, too.

And if the lives of many of us change even a little upon the touch of the Seven Wisdoms, then we will have changed our whole world and tilted it towards the dominance of the Light. And then we will start to act like the flame of burning soul-torches, which sheds light on the shadow places so that the good news of the arrival of the Light will dawn even in the dark.

Dr. Beatrix Czeizel and Anikó Greskó


  1. Éva Simcsik says:

    It is an extraordinary Treasure for the people on Earth that this book was born! It is not a simple book, it is a Path of Initiation to our inner Soul guided by the Love of the Holy Family💖 I am so grateful to You, Dearest Beácska and Anikó💖

  2. Monika Szentesi says:

    If you want you know the real! story of Jezus, Mary, Maria Magdalena and the Profets – you should read this special book.
    The “Calling you” called my heart and my soul immediately, it was wonderful and uplifting to read. This is a very profound and thought-provoking. For me this book is invaluable treasure 🙂

  3. The writers of this book dedicated their lives to reveal new/old long forgotten spiritual paths. Calling You is one of a kind journey. I highly recommend the book to everyone who wants to heal on a deep personal level, reflect on beliefs and social conditioning that guides us unconsciously, initiate profound change and find a toolbox that can be used every day to keep us on the path of Light&Love.

  4. Szilvia Pap says:

    I heartly recommend this Book for the readers, the endlessly clear voice and teachings, the truth, what we were waiting for thousands of years. It’s a great treasure for us, that through the Authors – who are wonderful spiritual Leaders, Teachers – and through their wonderful working and life, we can get this miracle teaching and the true history of the Holy Family! We can feel and experience, as with a full presence, as the Christ Soul and the Holy Family teach, lead and speak to us. As They teach us to live, to love, to be true, be happier, that our life on Earth is to be more peaceful and full of love, truth and health. To all of us is a wonderful opportunity, who chooses to walk on this Path. This book is calling straight our heart and soul.
    I’m so grateful and happy to know that the most determinate and miracle book of my life is available in English to everyone, who would like to benefit from this miracle all over our Earth! Accompanied by light and blessing of the way of this Book!

  5. Szilvia Hanson says:

    When I first read this book in the original (Hungarian) language I immediately thought that it should reach every person in the world, regardless of their denomination or religion. Now that I hold the English version in my hand, my heart is filled with deep happiness, and my eyes with tears. I am grateful to the authors who wrote and translated this wonderful and unique book, spreading to every sympathetic person the true words of Jesus Christ, representing the religion of love. I hope the book offers all readers many wonderful revelations and as much happiness and peace as their heart can take.

  6. Nóra Veresegyházy says:

    If you are interested to meet the purest Essence of the Christian religion, this wonderful book is Calling You. No externals, no frills, “just” the true story of the Saint Family.

  7. Tunde says:

    A most powerful and amazing book which holds and unfolds the Truth so that we come to remember and live its steps and teachings. This book and its unique teachings leads us to awaking and living our life to the fullest! Greatest treasure of all!

  8. Szilvia Leipold says:

    I’m so pleased and delighted that this miracle is already available in English as well. It’s brought me so many insights and inner transformations so far than nothing else. I wish the same to all of you.

  9. Maya Kollár says:

    This is a wonderful book, I love to read it. It teaches me about how to really love others, accept myself and others. It teaches to forgive, accept and give, trust and believe in the purest sound of Light. It helps me realize the faulty mechanisms inside me, that keep parts of my life stationary. I appreciate that I could read it.

  10. Rita Dányi says:

    The Calling You book is one of the most important book of my life, and one of the biggest help to me in those moments, when I weakened, stalled or lose confidence in my way and in myself. In this case, when I open the book anywhere, I always get answers to my questions, receive power, and get into my strides to move forward. When I’ve first read it, took me through on a very serious initiatory path that was full of depths, recognitions and lots of healing. In the end as a result of all this I experienced a real, true and incredibly powerful catharsis. I simply became a different person. I really wish and hope that whose heart leaps at the sight of Calling You, this wonderful book will bring the same powerful change for them by its beautiful teachings and great healing power.

  11. Eszter says:

    This Book of Miracles has definitely transformed my heart and life! Every time I read this Book I experience a real deep healing and understanding. It has a wonderful message giving beautiful insights about long forgotten memories of the Holy Family, every story is a precious memory pearl. I felt so much love, mercy and acceptance from the first moment I took this Book, now it is still a true and wonderful companion for me. It helps understanding, embracing and healing so many wounds and pains of the heart and helps me stay focused on the Love and what really matters. I am happy it is now available in english, too. I hope and wish many Seekers hear this pure and dear” Calling”.

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