True Bliss: What Are the Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners?

Did you know that there are an estimated 200 to 500 million people who meditate in the world?

Meditation is a straightforward exercise that everyone should do to help alleviate stress, improve calmness and concentration, and encourage happiness.

Learning to meditate is easy, and you can experience the effects quickly. We’ve put together the best meditation techniques to help you get started on the road to greater contentment, appreciation, and joy. Prepare to unwind and take a deep breath. Our guide is here to help you find the right technique for you.

One of the Best Meditation Techniques Is to Get Comfortable

In meditation for beginners, you should find a calm and peaceful place to start your everyday meditation. Not everyone is the same. Therefore, pick your own comfortable meditation position.

You could sit on a chair, a bench, a couch, or a cushion. Just try to sit straight up and take special care of your back. Keep the position without forcing it. Try to relax!

Focus Technique

Check how your body feels after you have found your stance. If you feel tense, try to focus and gently loosen up.  Have your eyes open and look down and in front of you. Keeping your eyes open helps to keep you alert.

Be mindful of what you hear, the emotions that run through your body, and how you feel like sitting there. Feel the presence without evaluating the experience.

Your Breathing Technique

It would be best if you breathe naturally. Do not force breathing. Don’t think about it being slow, intense, or steady. Over time, your breath will be natural as the mind calms down.

Your mind will most likely drift while you concentrate on your breathing. This is completely normal. Allow your thoughts to wander, then gently return your mind to the focus on your breathing.

Feel the Body Sensations Flow

Concentrate and become aware of your body sensations. Don’t change or dwell on anything. Just feel! Start at the toes and gradually work your way upwards.

Concentrate on a single section of the body at a time. When you notice your mind wandering, softly guide it back to the feelings of your body.

After some time on this, you can either return to focusing on your breathing or continue with feeling your body sensations.

Meditation requires consistent practice. Taking 10 minutes out of the day to meditate will have long-term benefits. It won’t be long before it becomes part of your daily routine.

Sit, Relax and Let It Be!

Meditation isn’t about changing, becoming a new person, or even becoming a happier person. It’s more about training your mind to become more aware and have a positive sense of perspective.

You’re not attempting to suppress your emotions or thoughts. You’re learning to observe them objectively. You can ultimately gain a deeper understanding of them as well.

It’s an odd thing that we barely notice the present time until we start meditating. Even though the present is what we have. We tend to regret the past and worry about the future and neglect the present.

There you have it, a beginner’s guide to the best meditation techniques.

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