Tips to Help You Through the First Days with Your New Dog

Adopting a new dog is an exciting time for your family. You have not only brought a new member into the family, but you have also given a dog a new life. However, along with all of that excitement will undoubtedly come an adjustment period. This can be challenging, especially if the dog you have adopted has suffered any trauma in their past.

The key is to create a stable and calm environment for your dog to adjust to. Many new dog owners become overwhelmed during those first few days with Fido. It is nothing you can’t handle, though, with the right preparation and patience.

Make Some Space

Every member of your family has their own space in the house that they know they can retreat to whenever they need to. The same should apply to your dog. Many dogs rescued from shelters experience a period of nervousness when they are adjusting to a new home. The sights, sounds, and other stimuli can be overwhelming for even the most even-tempered pup. They must know exactly where in the house they can go when they need to feel safe.

Placing a comfortable dog be in a quiet room away from loud noises is a good place to start. Put your dog’s toys in this space to emphasize the fact that it is for them. Some dogs will have a hard time calming down when you first bring them home, so you might want to consider giving yours some calming treats. Hemp chicken balls are a tasty treat that can help relax your pup enough to adjust to their new home quickly.

Give Your Dog a Tour

Many new owners bring their dog home for the first time and simply turn him loose in the house or the yard. It is a better idea, though, to give your dog a tour of your house and property. Consider keeping your dog on their leash as you go through the house and yard so that you establish the fact that he doesn’t exactly have free reign over the house and all its contents. 

By keeping your new dog on its leash as you go from room to room, you help establish the fact that you are the one in charge. They will have plenty of time to explore all the sights and smells of their new home in time, but for now, you are the one who has the control. This can help set a more positive and controlled tone for your dog during a time that can easily get out of hand. Remember that dogs thrive with structure, and you will both be happier, in the long run, the sooner he recognizes that you are the leader.

Try to avoid having friends and family stop by to meet your new dog on day one as well. This will only confuse your dog about who actually lives in his new home. The calmer that you can make the first few days the better. For some more tips click here.