How Horses Can Teach Us About Leadership with Equine-Partnered Life Coach Kate Neligan

Kate Neligan is an Equine-Assisted Life and Career Coach, Founder of Synergy TV, author, and motivational speaker with a Tedx on the Pursuit of Perfection. She left her six figure job in media to pursue a position where she could help humanity evolve. In the video series below Kate works with Laura McLauchlin to demonstrate how her work as an equine-assisted life and corporate coach can help people develop their leadership skills, become more connected to their heart and authentic self, and learn the value of working smart while having fun to achieve your goals more efficiently.

Transformation Talk:

Part 1 (9:41mins): Can Horses Teach Us Leadership

Part 2 (10:49 mins): Learning Practical Leadership Skills From a Horse

Part 3 (8:12 mins): How a Horse Can Change Your Life

Big THANKS to Transformation Talk and Laura McLauchlin for producing these. Please subscribe to their YouTube channel too.