How to Avoid Cycles of Addiction

You might know the popularsaying, “he who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”In fact,if you never made a mistake more than once, you are not human. That does not mean that we can’t learn from our mistakes: the ability to learn from your past experiences is a skill that will help you move ever forward. Is that reallyan applicable life lesson? And if so, how?

Let us take a moment to think aboutour behavior. If we consider how we progress in our lives, there are elements which keepon repeating. When a child learns how to walk, we must keep in mind that they would fall thousands of times: it is their ability to get up again that puts the first building block on the lifelong skill of walking. You need not worry, as a human, that you have that same system deep inside you. It still dictates how you act today.

Humans are Creatures of Habit

The habits that we fall prey to  are the structures that maintain our comfort and security. At one end of the spectrum,there is the structure which governs our lives. We need that to feel safe and familiar with things and people. On the other hand, something inside us calls us to move, to explore and to adapt. None of these can actuallybe fulfilling on its own. It is the way they are combinedthat matters most.

Some Habits Become too Powerful

We have a feedback loop that rewards the good and successful things that we do. Sometimes that reward can be positive for us in the long term, sometimes catastrophic. If we talk about smoking, it is not only psychological or cognitive elements that determine how the habit develops. There is something that goes into our blood too. To overcome such cycles of addiction, especially the more serious ones to hard drugs, you’ll need more help to break the habit.

In these extreme cases, you’re going to need to consult the specialists. Once a habit becomes an addiction, it requires expert help for you to rise it away from your lifestyle. If you’re interested in this process, you’ll be able to learn more here about sophisticated therapy techniques. These can help make the transition out of dependency far less a bone-crushing experience, and more of a smoothinformed transformation from the dark into the light.

Take the Time to Learn

When you go through the experience of: “oh, not again,”the one key element is not to overly fall into self-blame. Your mind will handle the experience much better if you consider it an experiment. If you take the time to think step by step how things went, you may identify the exact reason why you re-entered the cycle of addiction.

Learning about yourself is vital to your development as a human being and the development of your ability to be self-critical and self-loving. Little by little, this attitude will become part of a progressive lifestyle in which you move further and further away from cycles of destructive behavior.