Conversations with God movie released

The producers of the Conversations With Godmovie have just released the Collector’s Edition of the film. The DVD will feature personal reactions from Neale Donald Walsh in every scene in the film and the world premiere of Behind the Seen: The Making of Conversations with God – a remarkable documentary taking you “on location” as the film is being made.

Watching the movie with Neale Donald Walsh’s commentary running brings his private reflections on the dramatic moments of his life depicted in the film – reflection which he has never before had an opportunity to share. The special edition DVD also includes unique perspectives from the film’s producer and director, Stephen Simon.

Many people wonder just how true the film is to Neale Donald Walsh’s life. The film is actually very true to his life. Neale sat down with the screenwriter, Eric Delabarre, for three whole days and then many more throughout the preparation of the movie to answer thousands of questions about every moment of Neale’s experience.

Neale said on his blog, “I am very happy with the result, and I commend and deeply thank Stephen, Eric, and everyone on the movie production team for their decision to “stay with Neale’s story” and not try to “Hollywood-ize” it with more action or more gimmicks of one kind or another…I am very grateful, because I think the story speaks for itself and doesn’t need an ‘Hollywood-izing.”

You can purchase Conversations with God movie on Amazon by Clicking Here.