Try It On Everything Movie Review

     The Tapping Solution (Try It On Everything) is a documentary that follows 10 real people who are attempting to heal traumatic physical and emotional health issues on a four day retreat.  Some of the conditions they are addressing include Fibromyalgia, weight loss, smoking, severe degenerative disc disease and a Vietnam War verteran dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and chronic back pain.  After not getting the results they were looking for with tradional approaches, they agree to try Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

      EFT combine Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology to provide relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions and phobias.  It stimulates the body’s energy meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips–along with verbal statements that acknowledge the issue.  The film shows how the participants use EFT to get real results for their physical and emotional issues.  My favorite example is when Jonathon, a Vietnam War veteran, wakes up with no back pain for the first time since 1974.

      Additionally, the movie incorporates commentary from doctors and personal-development leaders who add their insights about EFT.  Some of these experts include Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson, Bruce Lipton Ph.D and Dr. Patricia Carrington.  They are not trying to sell any service, book or workshop.  They are simply explaining how the people in the movie use EFT for their problems.  The DVD features instructions on how you can use EFT as a self-administered technique.

      Try It On Everything is entertaining, interesting and moving.  It is fascinating to see cameras follow 10 real people dealing with serious physical and emotional pain on an actual retreat.  Additionally, the transformation that takes place within these individual is inspiring.  They begin the movie with a look on their face of anxiety, desperation and possible resignation.  However, by the end, their facial expressions, physical conditions and outlook has completely changed.  They are more vibrant, relieved and content.  This process in and of itself is fun to watch. The Tapping Solution (Try It On Everything) is available to purchase on Amazon if you Click Here



  1. […] G­o her­e to r­ead­ the r­es­t: Try I­t O­n E­ve­rythi­ng M­o­vi­e­ Re­vi­e­w […]

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