When Mental Health Is Unstable, What Should We Do to Handle Sad Feelings?

Mental health is an essential aspect of the overall well-being of any individual. However, many times, we tend to overlook the problems related to mental disorder are too ashamed to discuss them. It is important to note that mental health needs as much attention as physical health. There are various types of problems. For example, there can be an anxiety disorder, mood disorder, psychotic disorder, and much more. Some can be mild while others can affect your daily life and relationships immensely.

When you are suffering from debilitating mental issues, the following pointers can help you get through your sadness:

1. Meditate

Meditation is an excellent way to center yourself and find peace from within. Whether you are feeling depressed or are just unhappy about a certain incident in your life, meditating for 10 minutes can help you overcome those feelings and not give in to a state of depression.

2. Make a gratitude diary

Gratitude has been known to cure more than one person of their weak mental health. All you have to do is feel grateful for the things and people in your life. When you start reflecting on the good things in life, you might just feel like an idiot dwelling on what you don’t have in life.

3. Switch off your phone

While a mobile phone might be the greatest invention known to man, switching it off once a while might prove to be a blessing in disguise. Social media can become a worse addiction than alcohol. Being exposed to so much stimulation before getting into bed can wreak havoc for your sleep.

4. Donate to a charity you feel strongly about

Being a philanthropist is another great idea to help you take your mind off your problems and sadness so that you can make a difference in the world. Every individual feels strongly about some cause. Tap into your belief and donate to a charity that can use your help. This is a sure shot way of handling your sadness.

5. Listen to your favourite music

Music is a tremendous healer. Irrespective of the types of emotional problems that are plaguing you, simply plug in your earphones, lie down on your back, close your eyes and let yourself go! I guarantee that you will be transported to a parallel universe where life is not as challenging.

6. Pamper yourself

You deserve the best, especially in times of woe. Go out for a massage session, get a manicure, use your credit card to buy the best pair of shoes that money can buy and treat yourself to a seven-course meal. Pamper yourself for a day because you deserve it and don’t let anyone tell you differently!

7. Help someone

Being there for someone who can use your help is the best way to make yourself feel useful and distracted. Whether it is helping your sibling with his/her homework or buying groceries for your mother, a little bit of help will make you feel good about yourself and will also help you forget about your troubles.

8. Sleep

And lastly, if nothing else works, lose yourself and sleep. Nothing works better than a good night’s sleep. Sleeping helps you recharge your batteries, and when you wake up feeling rested, the world seems like a better place and the troubles seem far away. So, the next time you are sad or depressed, indulge yourself in a siesta. You will wake up feeling more positive about life.

9. Practice Forgiveness

Let go of everything that didn’t work. Let go of everything negative happened to you. Forgiveness is the best medicine for the disturbed mind. free yourself from deeds that really never mattered.

10. Practice third step prayer

The prayer focuses on to relieve yourself of the bondage of self. Free yourself from the negative image you carry. This statement implies that we are ready to release EVERYTHING to God and what happens is none of our business.

People have often debated about sadness vs. depression. These two terminologies are quite different from each other. However, irrespective of whether you are suffering from depression or are merely sad, these tips can come in handy when you want to escape your problems for some time. In the end, the key is to have faith in yourself and do things as you like because taking pressure will not lead you anywhere.

11) Know Your Number
According to Northwestern University, the simple idea of recognizing and embracing your debt has a physical, emotional, and psychological impact on all of our lives. To begin a healthier life, discover exactly where you stand and how to begin climbing again. This may seem tedious, but having a tangible foothold will give you a beautiful viewpoint when you look up!